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In 2003, slip founder Fiona Stewart was prescribed acne medication which resulted in extremely sensitive skin and thinning hair. Her dermatologist recommended trying a silk pillowcase. After weeks of searching, Fiona eventually sourced the best silk she could find and wrapped it around her pillow. The results were immediate and dramatic. She had stumbled upon a long-forgotten beauty secret.

Fiona and her partner Justin Dubois both came from an advertising background and had an entrepreneurial spirit. The following year, they officially launched slip - the first silk pillowcase to be branded and marketed as a beauty product.

Justin worked closely with the technical team of one of the top silk suppliers in China to create slipsilk™. Specially commissioned and made to high-sky standards using only the highest grade (6A) long fibre pure mulberry silk, slipsilk™ provides the ultimate combination of shine, thickness, softness and durability.

Like most of us, Fiona and Justin both had jobs they didn't enjoy in the past. As slip grew, they vowed that they would create not just a successful brand and product, but a place where their staff loved coming to work every day. Still to this day, with offices and distribution centres in NY, London, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia and Amsterdam, slip is committed to this core value.

You can shop a range of slip silk accessories & pillowcases at BrandAlley. And with up to 50% off RRP, our slip sale will do wonders for your Christmas gift list.

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