To round off this month’s wellness campaign, we spoke to fashion & lifestyle influencer, Tijan Serena Mazour (@tijanserena) about her relaxing skincare routine, her favourite feel-good podcasts and the healthy lifestyle changes she’s made this January.
Hi, Tijan! Let’s start with how you relieve stress after a busy day/week. Do you have any tips?
I do Yoga Nidra as frequently as time allows (I find any YouTube video). It really helps me rebalance. Journalling has also really helped.

Golden Glow Collection – ESPA – £40
Please tell us your “perfect night in”
My youngest baby has recently started sleeping through the night in her own room so I have freedom to use my bathroom and bedroom more in the evenings which is super exciting. A perfect evening would start with a bath and then some delicious food whilst watching something great (ideally a rom com I haven’t seen before!) with my husband. I actually like to be asleep by 9pm which is ridiculously early but I’m never sure how my night with the kids’ will pan out so I err on the side of caution! Some evenings I prefer to read instead of TV – I aim for a book a week – currently I’m reading and loving Ariadne by Jennifer Saint.
So would you say you prefer a relaxing bath over a hot shower?
Definitely – I love baths but I don’t often have the time so often shower for ease!
And what’s your favourite way to wind down on a weekend?
If I have no evening plans I actually do my skincare routine super early (late afternoon) and then can get my kids’ in bed with a fresh face so that the second they’re asleep I can wind down with some TV with my husband and a nice candle.
We love candles, too! What’s your favourite candle scent at the moment?
The Tom Dixon Eclectic Root Candle – it smells like a spa and the actual candle is such a stunning object.
And what about your skincare routine? Could you guide us through it?
I always double cleanse (I love my Sarah Chapman cleanser and I’m also obsessed with Liz Earle & ESPA!) then tone, find a potion of serums depending on my skin’s needs and then I like to mix a face oil and moisturiser together with quick facial massage using a roller. I do this every evening!
Are there any healthy lifestyle changes you’ve made this January? Dry Jan, Vegan-uary etc?
I’m teetotal all year round! But in January this month I’ve started journalling daily. I’ve also said no to work events so I can get back on top of admin/work projects and the kids’ schedule (getting back to school and homework etc). I love a steady routine!

Navy Cashmere Blend Straight Leg Jogger – No. Eleven – £89
Mulberry Silk Eye Mask, Ivory – Cocoonzzz – £10
And there any feel-good podcasts, books or movies you could recommend to our readers?
I love listening to Tinx – I try to walk 10k steps a day on my school runs and love listening to her. My favourite books of 2023 were The Rachel Incident by Caroline O’Donoghue and Good Material by Dolly Alderton.
Lastly – Is there anything on BrandAlley that you currently have your eye on?
This Helmut Lang trench is on my wishlist for (hopefully near) more mild Spring days!
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