New Year Dreaming…by Bethanie Lunn of The Modern Girl’s Guide

Every year, many of us make a list of resolutions only to break them one week later and feel miserable. So as to not put any pressure on myself and make vows I can’t keep, I’m making a list of dreams to aspire to instead…

1. I dream of a wardrobe that turns heads

Fashion to me is fun and a sure-fire way to express your personality and mood.  I want to invest in key pieces that make me look back in years to come at my younger self and say, ‘you go, girl’.  If you want to experiment but need inspiration, keep checking this blog.  It’s set to be brimming with Guest Writers like me this year, each sharing their top picks and style tips to help you on your way and best of all; we can get it all at bargain prices!

2. I dream of having more ‘me time’

We’re all so busy these days – even when I do manage to sneak some time alone, I’ve got my iPhone beeping away. This year I hope to enjoy the little things in life far more. From people watching in a cosy café to reading my favourite book or browsing online for some extra special purchases, I’ll be spending more time on me.

3. I dream of trying new things

It’s healthy to push your boundaries; trying new things can open your eyes, your mind and new doors.  I dream of learning how to sail on the Southern Coast, perfecting the art of photography to make my blogs (and walls), more appealing.  I love the idea of trying new makeup colours, perhaps a new hair colour, nail art and dare to wear dress I’d never normally try.

4.  Capture it all in a jar

Finally, I’m going to keep up the family tradition I started last year with a Happy Jar.  Throughout 2013, my family and I wrote down our happiest moments, things we were grateful for, little doodles that made us laugh, filling a glass jar with fond memories.  On New Year’s Eve, we emptied the jar and read them out, looking back in gratitude.  It’s a wonderful to reminisce and count your blessings.  Try it.

happy jar

Whatever you dream of doing this year, I hope you enjoy doing it. Happy 2014!

Bethanie x