Off the sauce? On the wagon? Dry as a bone and sick of Diet Coke? Twelve days into Dry January and perhaps you’re starting to flag. There’s only so much syrupy soda one person can take, after all.
Come on though: you’ve got this. Two and a bit weeks until you can put your entire face into a trough of wine. Until that moment comes, don’t loosen up on your socialising: you can still go to gatherings, pub meets and bar jaunts. You just need to know what to drink.
Lime and Soda

If you’re been extra cruel to yourself and combined Dry Jan with a crash diet, this is the drink for you. It’s so low in calories it’s basically air, plus it’s the drink all the tee-totaling Sloanes choose, so you’re in stylish company.
Virgin Mojito

If you’re the kind of person who cares about people knowing you’re off the drink, a Virgin Mojito looks (and tastes) the same as one laced with rum. You’ll still feel special too thanks to flamboyant sprigs of mint and wedges of lime. There are always raspberry and passion fruit options, too.
Cranberry Juice

Keep UTI’s at bay and get a hit of sugar in the same gulp. You’ve got to allow yourself some vices after all.
Elderflower and Soda

Remind yourself of sunnier times with a slug of deliciously sweetElderflower mix.

Many barmen and women delight in the chance to show off their skills, stuck as they are making the same old over and over again. Ask them what non-alcoholic bevs they can whip up and you might even find your new favourite!