Summer Colour Combinations for Men

With the summer season in full swing, and more hot weather to come, we should all be sprucing up our wardrobes with light pastel shades – guys, this includes you!

Pastel colours are big this season! Even the brands that have built their images on very limited and reserved colour palettes are getting involved with the trend.

In our experience, some men have a hard time choosing seasonal colours that go well together. Fear not men! We have chosen a few items from our Original Penguin sale that will help you look your best this season.


But Why Wear Pastels?

If colour is still a no go area for you, the softer shades of pastels will be the perfect way to ease yourself in. All you need to do is take a bolder pastel shade and team it up with a pastel shade to make it more of an accent rather than a statement. Simple.