What is BrandAlley’s Sleeptember?

Sleeptember Source: Pinterest

1st September, better known at BrandAlley HQ as the beginning of our annual Sleeptember campaign, is the first day we embrace a sumptuous celebration of robust rest.

Each week we’ll be speaking to a different area of sleep in our ‘Sleep Series’, sharing tips and tricks to ensure your sleep is the best it can be (and by association, make you the best you can be). Follow our ‘Sleep Series’ all this month, for bedtime education and strategies for healthy, restorative sleep.

What is Sleeptember?

Throughout September, we’ll be speaking to the importance of resting, relaxing and recharging, while showcasing some of our expertly curated product edits – to help you enjoy a tranquil night’s sleep.

The reason we do this? Because we know how crucial sleep is to living a healthy, happy life! We still have so much to learn about the importance of sleep, and we hope you’ll join us on our journey this Sleeptember.

Source: Pinterest

Sleep 101: The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is an essential function – that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you alert and refreshed when you wake up the next morning. But what makes sleeping so special? It boosts your mental and physical well-being, from weight regulation to immunity and even fertility. And you most certainly feel super energised and refreshed after a robust rest.

Source: Pinterest

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep?

 It’s no secret that we sleep every night, and although we spend a third of our lives sleeping, many of us still feel like we can’t get enough of it. There certainly aren’t enough hours in a day, and statistics show that we’re finding it increasingly hard to fall asleep.

The majority of us want to know how to get a better night’s sleep. So let’s kick start the first day of Sleeptember the right way, with some holy grail tips, those true tried and tested, to follow for a sumptuous slumber:

The first tip on how to sleep better? Is to try to get enough of it! Go to sleep early because it’s most definitely not a waste of your time. So many of us feel like we have a million and one things to do before going to bed, and sleeping early may not be on the top of your agenda – guilty as charged. But it’s important to prioritise your sleep and you shouldn’t ignore the fact that your body needs rest.

Source: Pinterest

For those that are tired of tossing and turning:

  • Wind down at least one hour before sleeping
  • Cut down on screen time before sleep
  • Read a book before bed to enter a quiet state of relaxation
  • Practise pre-bedtime rituals: light a candle and meditate

We’re looking forward to taking you on this sleepy journey with us!

Words by Patience Ssebuwufu & Hannah Wright